The Brief:
Create, publish and exhibit a printed and digital zine to connect with and grow TSPTR’s
younger female audience using an activism-related theme.Research into the TSPTR brand and associated brand-stories, specifically around activism. Explore the interests and motivations of the target audience from an activism perspective and make insightful connections between this audience and the client.
The Story:
From researching TSPTR as a brand we found that their female consumers are feminists,
socially aware, educated, and strive for change through protesting and actively informing
friends and family of problems in the world. They don’t sit back, they want to succeed.
They are independent and strong characters, and there is no definition of their style.Insights from primary research led us to spotlight the negative situations young females face. We aimed to create an empowering compilation of pages that reflect the struggles women fight against daily, and to evidence how the consumers can use positivity and their own strength to overcome them. We also made an educational insert, which consisted of imagery and information on inspirational women in today’s society. This was to provide hope and motivation to the consumers.
Putting our own personality and integrity into our zine was really important to us as we wanted it to reflect our thoughts and feelings as a group too.
The Skills:
- Researcher
- Concept Artist -
My concept was the “Hall of Bad B!tches” which we made into a pull-out booklet for the zine.
- Content Creator
- Graphic Designer