A live client brief that led to a developed communications strategy and accompanying film to promote the Very x Re-Fashion ‘Take Back Scheme’, with the aim to encourage consumer participation.

The Brief: To raise awareness of the collaboration between Very and Re-Fashion and their new Take Back Scheme. With a need to entice millennial women to donate their unwanted clothes, the brands aimed to target women in the UK (who are both existing or potential Very customers) that are becoming increasingly aware and concerned of the climate crisis and issues within the fashion industry. 

The Story:

My team were given the classic film ‘Call Me By Your Name’, to watch as the starting point of our creative concept process. We were encouraged to take inspiration from the film in general, or from individual elements such as the director, stylists, actors, cinematography, or events that relate to the film.

Our big idea was defined by: ‘Enhancing Very’s relationshop with their millennial consumers through creating an emotional connection, whilst promoting ethical and sustainable fashion choices.’

This was developed from a key primary research insight; how millennials are typically very reminiscent on their childhood as they start to see trends they saw as a child loop back around. We aimed to create an emotional connection that gives a sense of nostalgia to their earlier life.

The Skills:

  • Researcher
  • Idea Generator
  • Art Direction
  • Marketing Strategist
  • Post-Production Editor
  • Presenter 

“Very close to being a creative agency standard of work, including the pitch / presentation. The advert and communications strategy are so on brand, yet so far from any of your personal aesthetics, proving as creatives how great you each are, holding this ability to adapt so seamlessly.”

- Simon Rudkin, Principal Lecturer